Don’t Forget About Your Money: How To Fix And Prevent Dormant Bank Accounts (2024)

Basic financial literacy advises against letting multiple bank accounts go dormant. If regularly overlooked, these inactive accounts can trigger a cascade of financial repercussions, from erosion of your funds through maintenance fees to complex processes to reclaim your money.

In today’s fast-paced financial landscape, understanding and managing dormant accounts is crucial for safeguarding your financial health and stability.

What Is A Dormant Account?

A dormant account with a bank or financial service has no customer-initiated activity for an extended period. The timeframe typically is one to five years, depending on the institution and account type. A dormant status triggers regulatory and banking processes with significant consequences for the account holder.

Dormant accounts often result from inattention, life transitions and inheritance situations. Multiple bank accounts for various purposes can lead to forgetfulness, especially when long-term goals are infrequently revisited.

Significant life changes, such as relocations or job changes, may cause old accounts to be left behind during financial transitions. Additionally, inheritance situations — particularly among older generations — can lead to scenarios where beneficiaries need to be made aware of their financial assets. These situations contribute to the dormancy of accounts that are traditionally managed with less digital tracking.


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Risks And Consequences Of Dormant Accounts

Financial Implications

Depending on the bank’s policies, dormant accounts might be subject to maintenance fees or lower interest rates. These fees can slowly erode the account balance, diminishing your hard-earned savings.

Moreover, if an account remains dormant for a specified period, the funds may be transferred to government-held unclaimed property programs in some jurisdictions.

These circ*mstances can result in losing access to your funds and a potentially lengthy and complex process to reclaim them.

Potential Account Closure Or Forfeiture

Banks and financial institutions often have policies to close accounts that have been inactive for a prolonged period. It is not merely an administrative decision but a risk management strategy for financial institutions to minimize liabilities.

The closure of an account can lead to the forfeiture of funds to state-controlled unclaimed property divisions, creating a cumbersome process for the account holder to recover the money.

Loss Of Benefits Or Rewards

For example, savings accounts might lose out on interest accumulation, and investment accounts may miss market upturns.

Similarly, credit card accounts with accumulated rewards or points can see these benefits expire or become invalidated due to inactivity. This can lead to a significant loss in potential value.

Impact On Credit Score

While a dormant account does not directly affect your credit score, the ancillary effects of not addressing one can be significant. Closing credit card accounts can alter your credit utilization ratio, an important factor in scoring models.

A lower available credit ratio can decrease your credit score, impacting your ability to secure loans or favorable interest rates.

How To Handle Dormant Accounts


The first step in tackling dormant accounts is to identify them. Do a thorough review of all your financial statements and records. Look for accounts without transactions for a year or longer.

These accounts could range from old savings or checking accounts to investment portfolios. Recognizing them early on can prevent the complexities that arise when they become officially dormant.


The process for reactivation varies across financial institutions but it generally involves initiating a transaction or contacting the bank.

For reactivation purposes, you might be required to provide identification and explain the inactivity. In some cases, additional documentation may be needed, especially with more considerable sums of money or older accounts.

Reactivation revives the account and reinstates any funds that may have been transferred to state custody.

Reach Out

In complex cases, such as dealing with large sums, accounts in foreign banks, or a dispute over account ownership, seeking professional financial advice is prudent.

Financial advisors or legal professionals who specialize in banking and finance can provide guidance. They help navigate an often intricate process of reclaiming and reactivating dormant accounts.

Strategies To Keep Your Accounts Active

Periodically Review And Update Your Account Information

The first line of defense against account dormancy is regular review and updates to your account information. Periodically checking your accounts helps keep track of transactions, balances, and any changes in terms and conditions.

Updating personal information, such as contact details and addresses, ensures you receive all communications from your financial institutions, including alerts about potential dormancy.

Set Up Automatic Payments Or Direct Deposits

Automating financial transactions is a foolproof way to maintain account activity. Setting up automatic payments for recurring expenses, like utilities or subscriptions, ensures regular account activity.

Similarly, arranging for your salary or other regular income to be directly deposited into an account can prevent it from becoming dormant. This automation not only maintains account activity but also simplifies your financial management.

Make Regular Transactions Or Activity

Engaging in regular transactions is critical to keeping an account active. It doesn’t necessarily mean significant or frequent activity; even small, periodic transactions can suffice.

Transferring a nominal amount between accounts or making occasional purchases with a debit card can keep an account active. These small actions can be particularly effective for funds not used for daily transactions.

Use Account Alerts And Reminders

Many financial institutions offer alert services for account activity or inactivity. Enabling these alerts can serve as a reminder to engage with your accounts.

Setting up personal reminders, for instance, to check on certain accounts monthly or quarterly, can also be an effective strategy to prevent your accounts from becoming dormant.

Maintain Open Communication With Your Financial Institutions

Finally, maintaining open and proactive communication with your banks and financial institutions is crucial. Informing them of personal changes, like moving abroad or switching jobs, can help them manage your accounts accordingly.

Furthermore, regular communication can provide insights into how to take advantage of any new features or services that could be beneficial for you.


When managing dormant accounts, prevention is better than cure. It is an integral part of maintaining financial health. It requires a proactive approach, regular monitoring, and, when necessary, professional intervention.

Regular account review and updates, setting up automatic transactions, utilizing account alerts, and maintaining open communication with financial institutions are key strategies to prevent your accounts from becoming dormant.

By staying engaged with all your financial relationships, you can avert the risks and complications associated with dormant accounts. This vigilance yields efficiency and contributes to overall financial stability.

Don’t Forget About Your Money: How To Fix And Prevent Dormant Bank Accounts (2024)
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