How To Glow Up This Summer: Ultimate Glow Up Challenge! (2024)

Summer is a perfect time to work on improving yourself! You have an opportunity to significantly improve your life and health during the summer time. However, you may not be totally sure where to start with this summer glow up plan. Which is why I am sharing this guide for how to glow up this summer. With the 10 steps for glowing up this summer that I recommend doing for a glow up!

I want to chat about the realistic and best steps for helping you do a full lifestyle glow up this summer. It’s so important to remember that glowing up involves all of your life which is why this is a full lifestyle glow up.

Below are 10 things that you can do to start glowing up this summer and becoming the best version of yourself. Glowing up is all about becoming a better you and that means being healthy and happy inside and out!

So keep reading if you want to know the steps to glow up this summer!

How To Glow Up This Summer: Ultimate Glow Up Challenge! (1)

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How To Glow Up This Summer

Steps for glowing up your whole life this summer: Ultimate glow up challenge!

Master your skin care routine

Working on getting glowing and healthy skin is glow up 101!

Summer is a time when you want to be able to go makeup free at the beach and pool which is where having clear skin is super important.

A few tips for achieving this:

Find a brand that works for you. Chances are if the brand works for your skin with some products then it probably will work for most. My current favorite is The Ordinary products they are working magic on my skin.

Truly evaluate your skin! I always thought I had really oily skin all over by realized when really paying attention that I have combination skin with seriously dry patches.

Only try one new product at a time. You don’t know which product is irritating your skin or is working for you if you try multiple new products at once.

Work on your 5 year plan

Figuring out the next steps in your life is a big part of glowing up.

If you don’t know what you are working towards and what you want to accomplish you can’t start taking steps towards it!

So grab a poster board and write down 10 things you want to happen in the next 5 years and then start thinking about how you can actually achieve those dreams and goals.

Exercise 5x a week

Exercise is of course great for you physically (as long as you are being safe!) but it is also great for your mental health!

A few tips to start (or keep) regularly working out:

Make a fitness plan schedule. Don’t be afraid to ask for help with this if you are new to working out.

Get an accountability buddy– someone who will genuinely keep you motivated and encourage you.

Listen to your body! If you need an extra rest day then don’t fight your body. Better to be careful than to risk any injuries.

How To Glow Up This Summer: Ultimate Glow Up Challenge! (2)

Create a vision board

This one of the steps for glowing up is one of my personal favorites! Vision boards are a great way to visualize what you want you life to look like post-glow up.

If you have magazines laying around you can create a physical vision board but for most it will be simplest to make a digital one! Use Pinterest for the inspiration and then use Canva for a blank template to create the vision board.

I have a video here of me making my digital vision board if you want some inspiration.

Learn to cook healthy food that you like

If you don’t already know how to cook multiple healthy meals that you enjoy then take this opportunity to learn some! There are so many amazing resources on the internet that can help you with this.

Learning how to cook healthy recipes that you actually want to eat can lead to long term improvement in your eating habits and help you maintain a healthy body in the future!

Remember- an important part of glowing up is to create habits that you can sustain long term to live a healthier life.

Whiten your teeth

This is such a simple step for glowing up that makes a huge difference!

Your smile is one of your most unique and beautiful features so make sure you are taking the steps to highlight your gorgeous smile.

Thankfully it has become super easy to whiten your teeth and brighten your smile. You can get different kits that take less than 30 minutes or even these cool whitening pens that take less than 5!

Start learning a new language

Remember glowing up is more than physical appearance. It is all about improving yourself all around which includes expanding your knowledge.

Learning a new language is a great way to improve yourself and to learn about other cultures at the same time.

Don’t worry it also doesn’t have to be expensive! Just go into the app store and search for apps to help you learn the language you are wanting and there is usually plenty of free or super cheap options.

Practice mastering your makeup

The next of the steps for glowing up this summer is to master makeup! Take this summer to master your makeup looks – I recommend mastering 2 important looks:

Your day to day makeup look: the look that you wear casually to work or classes.

Your going out look: the look for date nights or going out with the girls.

Part of this is making sure that you play around with different products until you find the ones that work the best for you.

Read a self improvement book monthly

Self improvement looks different for every person but everyone has opportunities to improve themselves.

The first part of this is to take some time to evaluate what is important for you to improve about yourself and then from there do a little research into what books are the best for improving those areas.

I recommend reading at least one a month and if you have the time and find this helpful then try upping to 2-3 a month. Self improvement books can make a large difference long term in your life and helping you become the best version of yourself.

Work on embracing yourself

Ultimately the final and best of the steps for glowing up this summer (or anytime) is to embrace exactly who you are.

Self confidence is the most beautiful thing that you can have. You can improve yourself in so many aspects but if you don’t embrace the amazing and wonderful person that you already are then those improvements will never truly glow!

How To Glow Up This Summer: Ultimate Glow Up Challenge! (3)

Best of luck glowing up this summer and becoming the best version of yourself! But don’t forget to have fun along the way. I hope these step for how to glow up this summer helped you out and that you benefit from these steps for glowing up!

If you did find this guide helpful then make sure to keep scrolling. Below are the ways that you can stay in touch and connected with me in addition to always knowing when I have new and helpful content out for you.


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If you liked this post on how to glow up this summer you probably (hopefully!) will like these too:

  • 6 Ways To Refresh Your Morning Routine For Summer
  • The Ultimate 25 Day Self Confidence Challenge
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  • Tips To Help You Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
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How To Glow Up This Summer: Ultimate Glow Up Challenge! (2024)


How to do the glow up challenge? ›

30-day glow up challenge
  1. Day 1: Start drinking at least two liters of water daily.
  2. Day 2: Start meditating at least five minutes a day.
  3. Day 3: Drink peppermint tea before bed.
  4. Day 4: Start walking on a daily basis.
  5. Day 5: Sleep around 8 hours every night.
  6. Day 6: Start journaling.
  7. Day 7: Do yoga.
Feb 1, 2024

How to get an extreme glow up? ›

The Foundations of a Successful Glow-Up
  1. Mastering the Basics of Revitalising Skincare. ...
  2. Choosing the Right Makeup for a Natural Glow. ...
  3. Incorporating Healthy Hair Care into Your Routine. ...
  4. Nutrition and Exercise: The Key to Natural Beauty. ...
  5. The Role of Stress Reduction in Enhancing Appearance.
Nov 29, 2023

How to glow up in 7 days? ›

  1. Dec 29, 2023. ​How to glow in 7 days. ...
  2. ​7 day challenge for an evergreen look. Following a proper skincare routine is a holistic approach to glow naturally. ...
  3. ​ Everyday skincare. Follow a proper skincare routine every day. ...
  4. Take a face steam​ ...
  5. ​Hydration. ...
  6. ​Eat fruits. ...
  7. ​Exercise regularly. ...
  8. ​Avoid junk food.
Dec 29, 2023

What age is glow for? ›

Hilarious comedy with strong female leads

The show also has some strong language. Kids 15 or 16 should be fine to watch this just make sure they are mature enough.

What age will I glow up? ›

The Natural Glow Up During Puberty

During puberty, women typically experience changes between the ages of 8 and 13, while men go through these changes between 9 and 14. This natural glow up is marked by bodily changes such as growth spurts, increased body hair, and acne, all of which are influenced by hormonal changes.

What is a glow up girl? ›

A "glow-up" is a slang term used to describe a significant transformation, typically in physical appearance, that is perceived as an improvement. It's the process of turning yourself into a better version of yourself and becoming more confident, attractive, and successful.

How to glow in 3 days? ›

Yep, you can thank us later.
  1. Go To Bed With A Cleansed Face. ...
  2. Make Your Own Green Tea Toner. ...
  3. Don't Skip Serum. ...
  4. Add Vitamin C In Your Nighttime Skincare Routine. ...
  5. Exfoliate With Oats Milk And Rose Water Scrub. ...
  6. Pamper Your Skin With A Sheet Mask. ...
  7. Try Facial Oils. ...
  8. Pay Attention To Your Eyes.
Dec 6, 2022

How to get a glow up in 1 day for girls? ›

31 Tips On How To Glow Up In A Day
  1. Hydrate Inside Out. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated and glowing.
  2. Cleanse and Exfoliate. ...
  3. Moisturize Well. ...
  4. Sunscreen Protection. ...
  5. Eye Cream Magic. ...
  6. Lip Care. ...
  7. Healthy Diet. ...
  8. Get Moving.

How can I look pretty? ›

Maintain good grooming habits: shower and wash your face regularly, and keep your hair and nails neat. Also, wear comfy clothes that fit well and make you feel good. Additionally, take care of your body by getting plenty of sleep, eating a variety of low-fat, nutrient-rich foods, and exercising 2–3 times a week.

How can I glow my face in 10 minutes? ›

Make a solution of lemon juice and water in the ratio of 2:3 and gently apply to your skin using cotton. Leave for 10 minutes and wash with cool water. Then pat dry. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice to other homemade face masks.

How to look hot in a week? ›

How to look better in a week, without spending a penny
  1. Posture. Stand up straight. ...
  2. Skip the sweet stuff. Starting or ending the day with sugar will result in dehydrated skin, poor complexion and quickly depleting energy. ...
  3. Be sparing with hot water. ...
  4. Drink more water. ...
  5. Move more. ...
  6. Get some shut eye.

How can I make my face glow in summer? ›

Keep the following tips in mind to bring back the glow to dull and tired skin.
  1. Exfoliate Your Skin. ...
  2. Never Skip Sunscreen. ...
  3. Sneak In Extra SPF With Your Moisturiser. ...
  4. Treat Your Skin To A Serum Sheet Mask. ...
  5. Cool Off With A Spritz Of Face Mist. ...
  6. Stay Hydrated. ...
  7. Load Up On Antioxidants.

How can I be prettier in summer? ›

Drink lots of water; take cool showers; splash water on your face; wash hands and feet frequently. It'll keep your pores unclogged, skin hydrated and yourself feeling coooool! 8. Keep up the basic skin care: Follow the usual clean-tone-moisturize routine, even in summer.

What is Ultimate Glow Up? ›

A true glow-up includes appearance, but it's also about improving your habits, taking responsibility and accountability for your life, prioritizing your well-being, and improving your self-esteem.

How to glow up for summer 2024? ›

Weekly Glow Up Routine
  1. Weekly Skin Mask. A weekly clay mask or sheet mask can work wonders. This routine deeply cleanses, tightens your pores, and rejuvenates your face.
  2. Hair Mask. A weekly hair mask will keep your hair soft and shiny. ...
  3. Body Scrub. Exfoliate your body once a week.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

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Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.