How to Stay Close to Teenage Grandchildren (2024)

It’s a myth that teenagers don’t want to ever hang out with their grandparents! Being their grandparent doesn’t stop when they become teens. Here’s how to stay close to teenage grandchildren.

I’m going to share my perspective of the teenage years from my personal and professional life.

September 2023: I wrote this a couple of years before my oldest granddaughter became a teenager based on my experience working as the director of a teen program for years.

A couple of weeks ago I told my teenage granddaughter about this post. She agreed with it all. She especially liked the tip about listening and not judging. You might want to talk to your teenage grandchildren about these tips and hear what is important to them.

Now, I am into year three of being the grandmother to a teen. Our relationship is still close but it is definitely different. But I am optimistic that we will remain friends forever!

On a funny note, the last time I had someone take a picture of the two of us, she made me promise to not post it in Instagram. In the spirit of that boundary, I haven’t posted it anywhere. But I still get to treasure it.

Yes, even adolescences can set a boundary!

Recently, I celebrated my 61st birthday. My oldest granddaughter made me a card. She dedicated it to some of my favorite things.

But what really got my attention was that she used my brand colors and included my website logo on the card.

While this blog is successful and well-read, I doubt even one person I know could tell you what my logo is!

Yet, my teenage granddaughter knew it and drew it very accurately! I was so touched that she had not only been to my website but that she had paid it more attention than most.

By the way, it’s the hot air balloon.

How to Stay Close to Teenage Grandchildren (1)

My granddaughter and I have always had a special bond. These days we deal with the distance between where we live, her school schedule, and activities.

We don’t see each other as often as either of us would like!

How to Stay Close to Teenage Grandchildren (2)

Why These Tips Work

These tips can really work with all relationships but today I’m going to focus on our teens and even tweens. Yes, I have a tween now as well and I know that because she recently informed me of this.

It can help to think of your relationship with your teenage grandchild as an actual relationship. Because it is.

Even though you may mourn the loss of your adorable little grandchild, the older grandchildren are still fun to get to know, though they may not be as available or as enthusiastic.

Teenage grandkids may feel intimidating but if you’ve developed common interests and consistent communication you will have that as a foundation.

Cause guess what? It’s true what we’ve always known. A teenagers brain is not fully developed and it is going through some crazy changes. Don’t expect your teenager to set the tone and example.

And no matter what is going on with your relationship, you can improve it 100% just starting with you.

Why IS Having a Close Relationship with Your Teenage Grandchild is Important?

Here’s some good news, a close relationship with your teen grandchildren is beneficial to the emotional health of you and your grandchild!

Research has shown, lower rates of depression in those involved in close grandparent-grandchild relationship.

This is HUGE. Teen and even childhood suicide is at an all-time high.

All relationships change over time and the grandparent/grandchild relationship is no different.

Little adorable four-year old’s grow up to be pre-teens and teenagers. What used to feel so easy can suddenly feel difficult.

But it doesn’t have to be! Change can start with you, right now, today.

What Does Being Close to Your Teenage Grandchild Mean?

Your relationship with your teen grandchild will be unique–just like you are. Depending on your grandchild, you might still do activities or you might not anymore.

Here’s where the relationship can go wrong.

You might expect the same type of relationship you had before. You might have even given up because it seems like your teenagers just aren’t interested in hanging out anymore.

I know! That hurts. But let’s not let that hurt motivate you to put up barriers or pull completely away.

You can love your grandchildren as much as you want and they can’t stop you. You might not see them as much as you want but you can totally love them.

Here are some ways to remain close in your mind and heart

  • Pray for them
  • Send them occasional text messages
  • At family gatherings, make time to connect with them
  • Express gratitude for them in your mind, journal, to their parents, to them
  • Don’t expect anything in return except how good you can make yourself feel

Here’s the important thing. All relationships are created by our own thinking. If we think positive about someone, we feel more love.

Sometimes people don’t believe me. But imagine that someone you love is half way around the world from you, and for some legit reason they can’t write or call you. You still love them. You still feel connected to them.happy grandma talking to granddaughter in kitchen while cooking

I’m serious. We love people that have died without any expectation of getting anything in return. It is possible to love and love fiercely without getting anything in return.

Choose to love fiercely!

You Can Stay Close to Teenage Grandchildren

You can still have a close relationship with your grandchild even when they are older.

I have worked with thousands of teens and it is a myth that teenagers don’t like to be around adults.

In my experience,teenagers crave positive interactionswith interested adults.

I think that’s the key, they like to be around people that are interested in them, as people, and as the person they are developing into.

This is probably the most difficult aspect of any relationship with a teenager.

They are growing into their adult self and they really don’t want to be told how to do it.

While they will still love you even if you don’t follow the list, you may not feel like you have a close relationship.

Let’s face it. It can be tough to watch the adorable little being that adored you, grow into a person that seems to be so different.

Yet, it can be so rewarding too. It’s exciting to see young people grow up!

This post is all about YOU and how you bring yourself to the relationship.

To have a close relationship with a teen, you have to show up differently. If you need some help being the BEST YOU in this relationship, I have just the post for you. How to Be the Best You to Be the Best Grandparent.

Maybe you envisioned when your grandchild was younger, continuing the relationship with you becoming a trusted mentor and advisor.

As you envisioned the new relationship, you felt you could help guide your grandchild.

As adults, we also imagine all the horrible, scary things that can happen to a child that doesn’t heed that wisdom.

We know from our own lives that bad decisions can have devastating consequences and we don’t want that for our grandchild.

Yet, we also know, that teens rarely listen to lectures or the supposed wisdom from their elders.

They have an innate need to figure things out for themselves. They aren’t trying to be jerks, they are just developing.

So, the trick is to stay close and provide access to a caring support person.

There is space for a new kind of relationship and one that will be just as satisfying, maybe even more than you had with your grandchild when they were little.

Give up Expectations of “How it Should Be”

Things in life rarely turn out how it should be. Our own lives are proof of that.

Approach your relationship with your teen grandchildren with curiosity.

That curiosity should be about discovering who they are and who they see themselves becoming.

One of the reasons that teens stay away from some adults is that they don’t feel accepted as they are.

It can be difficult to see your grandchild acting out in ways you don’t think are particularly great. I get pushback on this section the most.

Things that should totally be ignored are haircuts, hair color, piercings, and style of dress. None of that is permanent or your business.

Innocent comments such as “You looked so nice when…(something was like it used to be) will be taken, correctly, as “I don’t like the way you look now.”

Things that should not be pushed on your teen grandchild: politics and religion. You can of course, but your teen grandchild will not want to hang out with you if you continually try to impose your beliefs on them.

It’s very normal for a child to explore beliefs that are different than their parents and grandparents. If your grandchild shares your beliefs and you both enjoy discussing them, then by all means go for it!

Even if you think they are WRONG, keep it to yourself. You can share your beliefs by the life you live. A living example of your faith is way more effective than a hundred lectures about it.

None of this means you should accept bad behavior in your presence.

Teens don’t mind following the “house rules.”Believe it or not, they probably want you to like them as much as you want them to like you.

It also doesn’t mean that you allow your teen grandchildren to do things, just in the hopes they will like you. An example of this would be serving them alcohol when they are underage, so that you can be perceived as cool.

Accepting someone means accepting them and not trying to change them.

While your teen grandchild may do things that you don’t like, they don’t have to do it around you, and you don’t have to try and control it.

They have parents for that!

Get Your Mindset Ready

Having a great relationship always starts in our own mind. You have to believe it is possible. You can also believe that it’s possible for it to be even better than you expected.

Several years back, I worked with hundreds of teenagers on a regular basis and I learned that even the most acting-out teen, is attracted to people that see them, as, well, people.

Teenagers despite outward expressions really crave positive adult interaction. But they also want it on their terms.

While we know that they have a LOT of growing to do, they feel they are becoming their own person.

It is possible to acknowledge and love this new person. And it’s totally possible that they will love and enjoy being with you!

How to Stay Close to Teenage Grandchildren (3)


When I was training to be a counselor, we were taught to do something called active listening. I am not going to teach you active listening,since I’ve discovered something even better.

Active listening involved such things as mirroring back what the speaker had said, thereby letting the speaker know that you had “heard” them.

Active listening is kind of stressful!

Not only do you have to pay attention, but you have to figure out something to say back that appropriately lets the speaker know you’ve been listening.

That’s way too much pressure and an unintended consequence is that you spend way too much time trying to figure out what to say.

Here’s a better way. Just listen. Don’t think. Don’t judge. Don’t give advice.

But what if your teen doesn’t talk? Don’t rush to fill up quiet space.

You can open up with a general, “How are things going?” and see where that goes.

If it doesn’t, you might share something you are doing or learning.

Weird questions can also work

  • If you could only eat one food for a month, what would it be?
  • What’s the craziest thing you want to do before you get too old to do it?
  • If you could design a robot that could do anything, what would it be?

Use get to know them questions

  • Can you make me a playlist of some of your favorite music?
  • What are you reading these days?
  • What is one phone app that you can’t live without?
  • What is your favorite class?

Don’t ask about grades or if they’ve finally got a job.

Don’t Judge

Just, try, not, to do it. Don’t judge their hair, their clothes, their friends, or whether they are smiling or not.

People avoid people that judge them, and teenagers are no different. They want to be accepted the way they are.

Don’t Give Advice Unless Asked

By all means, if asked about something, do your best to give a helpful answer but don’t feel like you have to offer advice, unasked for.

Usually this is taken as, they are doing something wrong.

If you feel strongly about wanting to say something, ask if they would be open to hearing it.

If they say “no” then don’t. If you do have something to share, share something from your own life as an illustration.

Invite Them to do Things

Eating out is always a great option. Seriously, teens love a good meal, whether it’s their favorite fast food or something nicer.

Or have them over for their favorite meal. Make your amazing spaghetti or chicken and dumplings. Ask them what they would love to have and then set up a time that’s good for both of you.

Take them shopping for something if it’s in your budget. A cute top or new pair of sneakers is always appreciated.

Other options, when available would be go to a movie, a museum, or a theater show.

Ask for Help

Don’t make it arduous or crazy hard but ask their help for a specific problem. Technology comes to mind right away.

Need help setting up your new printer–maybe your teen grandchild can help.

Over the years, my kids have helped grandparents with yard work, gardening, cooking, and the occasional technology question.

Be the Best You

This is probably the most important thing you can do.

Make living your best life your priority and that will make you someone they want to be around.

If you have interests and are engaged in life, you will be providing a great example to them and they will love being around you.

You have to love yourself first! Be sure and read my post,How to Be the Best You to Be the Best Grandparent.

Accept That it Might Not Feel as Close as You Want

Teenagers have to do their own thing and, in a way, separate from their parents and grandparents.

They have to grow their own identity. That doesn’t mean they don’t love you.

If you had a close, loving relationship, those memories will remain. (How to be an Unforgettable Grandparent)

The truth is that they have more things taking up their thoughts than a get-together with grandma. You won’t be their first priority.

That’s okay. You can still ask for time and make an effort. Just don’t be offended if they aren’t as thrilled about it at 16 as they were at 4.

Eventually, they will grow up and they will remember how you were loving to them throughout their life.

How to Remain Close to Teenage Grandchildren

I didn’t have grandparents that I was close to as a child and definitely not as a teen.

However, I did have adults that I loved being around. The adults that I enjoyed being with as a teen, saw me as an individual and were interested in my life.

Think about people you like to be around. Why?

Usually, it’s the people that like YOU. The real you. The people you don’t have to pretend around. The people you can make mistakes around and they still adore you.

You can be that person for your grandchildren and they will remember you forever because of it.

If you need help with this or any other important relationship, then get over to mycoaching pageand schedule a free consultation.

I guarantee that healing the relationships in your life can be the most life-changing thing you can do for yourself.

How to Stay Close to Teenage Grandchildren (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.