Training Budget: How to Create and Allocate Training Budget for Employees (2024)

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, investing in training and development is no longer a luxury but a necessity.

Effective training programs are crucial for enhancing employee skills, boosting morale, improving productivity, and driving business growth.

However, like any other strategic business initiative, training and development require careful planning, research, and budgeting to ensure they deliver the desired outcomes.

Allocating an adequate budget for training is an essential step toward building a competent and agile workforce. But it’s not just about setting aside funds; it’s about making intelligent investment decisions that will lead to effective results.

This article explores how to strategically plan and research your training needs to ensure that every dollar spent contributes to your employees’ growth and your organization’s success.

Let’s delve into creating a training budget that works.

What is a training budget?

A training budget is a specific amount of funds set aside by an organization to invest in employee learning and development initiatives.

This budget typically covers costs related to creating, implementing, and maintaining training programs, such as training materials, hiring trainers, purchasing learning management software, and any associated travel or accommodation expenses for off-site training.

The purpose of a training budget is not only to ensure that resources are available for employee development but also to help the organization plan and control the costs associated with training.

By setting a training budget, an organization can prioritize its training needs, allocate resources effectively, and measure the return on investment (ROI) of its training initiatives.

A well-planned training budget should be flexible enough to accommodate changes in the organization’s training needs throughout the year.

It should also align with the organization’s overall strategic goals, ensuring that the training initiatives support the company’s objectives and contribute to its success.

What are the benefits of allocating a training budget?

A training budget brings many benefits to an organization:

  • Employee retention: Investment in employee development often leads to improved job satisfaction and loyalty, reducing turnover rates. Employees are more likely to stay with a company that invests in their growth and career progression.
  • Attracting talent: A robust L&D program funded by a healthy budget can make the organization more attractive to potential employees. It shows that the company values continuous learning and employee advancement.
  • Improving performance: L&D programs, when strategically designed, can address skill gaps, improve performance, and increase productivity.
  • Boosting morale: Employees who see a company investing in their skills and knowledge tend to have higher morale and job satisfaction.
  • Future-proofing the organization: By investing in training for new technologies, strategies, and methodologies, companies can stay competitive and prepared for future challenges.
  • Cost-efficiency: While there is an upfront cost associated with L&D, the long-term benefits, such as increased productivity, reduced turnover, and improved efficiency, often outweigh the initial investment.
  • Creating a learning culture: An L&D budget helps foster a culture of continuous learning and innovation, which can drive the organization forward.

Training Budget: How to Create and Allocate Training Budget for Employees (1)

How much do companies spend on training?

The amount companies spend on training varies widely based on numerous factors, such as the industry they operate in, the size of the company, their strategic goals, and the specific skills and competencies they aim to develop in their workforce.

Some businesses may invest heavily in comprehensive training programs, including external courses, workshops, and conferences, along with in-house training developed by dedicated learning and development teams.

These organizations view employee training as a strategic investment that can drive significant ROI in terms of improved performance, increased productivity, and enhanced employee engagement and retention.

On the other hand, smaller businesses or startups with limited resources might focus on cost-effective training solutions like online learning platforms, mentoring, and on-the-job training.

Regardless of the amount spent, what’s most important is that the training is effective, aligns with the organization’s goals, and addresses the developmental needs of the employees.

How to calculate a training budget

Calculating a training budget involves many steps and considerations. Here are some methods commonly used by organizations:

  • Percentage of salary: One of the most common methods is to allocate a certain percentage (often between 1% to 5%) of the total yearly salary budget towards training and development.
  • Per-employee basis: Some organizations calculate their training budget on a per-employee basis. This involves setting aside a specific dollar amount for each employee’s training for the year.
  • Training cost per employee: This involvescalculating the total cost of training and dividing it by the number of participants. This includes direct costs like course fees, materials and indirect costs like employees’ time.
  • Industry benchmarking: Companies often look at what similar companies in their industry are spending on training as a benchmark.
  • Objective-based budgeting: Refers todefining specific learning and development objectives and estimating the cost of achieving these objectives.

Remember, a training budget should cover not only the direct costs of training but also indirect costs. For example, employee time and administrative costs.

Step by step to crafting your training budget

Training programs provide companies with a 24% higher profit margin compared to those that do not invest in training, according to the American Society for Training and Development.

Not only does training have an impact on productivity, growth, and company culture, but it also has a strong correlation with talent retention.

There are a few ways to help you make better decisions when planning your training budget.

Step 1. Consider company goals

Start by aligning your training budget with your company’s strategic goals. If your company plans to launch a new software system, you will need to allocate funds for training employees on the new system.

To successfully develop this point, it is best to sit with relevant internal stakeholders of the company to visualize all the challenges within your industry.

Step 2. Identify training needs

Identify the training needs within your organization. This could be done through skills gap analysis, performance reviews, or surveys.

Step 3. Estimate costs

Once you know what training is needed, evaluate the cost of delivering it. This includes direct costs such as course fees and materials. Also, indirect costs like administrative expenses and the time your employees will spend on training.

Step 4. Set a budget method

Decide on the method you’ll use to calculate your training budget. This could be a percentage of salary, per-employee basis, or cost of training per employee.

For example, if you’re using the percentage of salary method, and you decide on 2% of total salaries, and your total annual salaries amount to $500,000, your training budget would be $10,000.

Step 5. Allocate funds

Distribute the funds across different departments or training areas based on their specific needs.

If your marketing team needs specialized training on a new digital marketing tool, you might allocate a portion of your budget specifically for this purpose.

Step 6. Prepare for unexpected costs

It’s wise to set aside a portion of the budget for unexpected costs or new training opportunities that may arise during the year.

Step 7. Calculate the ROI of training

One of the most effective ways to measure this investment is through ROI (Return On Investment). The ROI of training will help you measure the return on investment of the training you offer to your employees.

The formula for measuring this is:ROI = (profit earned – investment) / investment x 100

Step 8. Review and adjust

Regularly review the budget, track actual spending against it, and make adjustments as necessary throughout the year.

Keep in mind that the goal of a training budget is not just to control costs. Also, to ensure that the organization invests wisely in developing its human resources to achieve its strategic objectives.

What does a training budget include?

A training budget should include a list of all the expenses related to employee learning and development.

Here are some key elements that a training budget typically includes:

  • Training materials: This includes any physical or digital materials required for the training, such as textbooks, online resources, and software.
  • Training providers: If you’re hiring external trainers or purchasing online courses, these costs should be included in your budget.
  • Venues and equipment: If you’re conducting in-person training sessions, you may need to budget for venue hire and equipment like projectors or sound systems.
  • Travel and accommodation: If employees need to travel for training purposes, include travel, accommodation, and per diem expenses.
  • Administrative costs: These are the costs associated with managing the training program, such as staff time spent on organizing training, marketing the training to employees, and tracking participation and results.
  • Salaries: If you have dedicated training staff, their salaries should be part of the training budget.
  • Technology costs: If you use a learning management system (LMS) or other technology to deliver or track training, those costs should be included.
  • Evaluation and follow-up: It’s important to measure the effectiveness of training, so include costs related to evaluation methods like surveys or tests.
  • Contingency funds: It’s wise to set aside funds for unexpected costs or opportunities, like a new training need that arises mid-year.

The specifics of what’s included in a training budget can vary depending on the organization and the training you choose to provide.

The key is to ensure all costs, both direct and indirect, are accounted for.

Get your training budget template

If you don’t have much time or don’t know where to start, enhance your planning with the Preply Business training budget example.

Download it now and make your copy to manage your learning expenses efficiently.

Training Budget: How to Create and Allocate Training Budget for Employees (2)

What issues can a training budget bring?

Professional development budget, while beneficial, can sometimes bring certain issues. For example, employees might attend courses that do not contribute to their role or the company’s strategic goals, leading to wasted resources.

Additionally, an abundance of training can result in information overload, where employees are overwhelmed and unable to apply what they’ve learned effectively.

Another potential pitfall is employees attending conferences or seminars that yield little ROI for the company.

To overcome these problems, you can carry out a training needs assessment. This tool will help you identify the most relevant and beneficial training opportunities, ensuring your budget is spent wisely.

5 Corporate training ideas for your employees

While there are many programs available, a few basic courses are essential for employee success.

Effective communication training

Lack of communication can lead to negative working relationships or affect your company’s bottom line. This applies in all areas, whether replying to an email or discussing an issue with a colleague.

This focuses on improving employees’ ability to express their ideas clearly and persuasively. It can cover areas such as verbal and written communication, listening skills, non-verbal cues, and digital communication etiquette for specific industries.

Corporate language training from Preply Business is an excellent option for effective communication training. It offers 1-on-1 online lessons with certified language tutors, allowing employees to tailor their learning to their specific needs.

This personalized approach not only improves language skills but also boosts confidence in business communication.

Training Budget: How to Create and Allocate Training Budget for Employees (3)

Time management

When your employees have difficulty managing their time, the results can be projects delivered late, stress, and poor quality.

This training helps employees manage their time more effectively, leading to increased productivity and reduced stress. Topics can include goal setting, prioritizing tasks, time management tools, avoiding procrastination, and using time management tools.

Project management

Your employees don’t need to be in charge of a group to know how to prioritize tasks, manage deadlines, and review tasks.

Project management should be a necessary skill at all levels of an organization and be part of every employee’s career path.

This equips employees with the skills to plan, execute, and oversee projects successfully. It can cover areas like project planning, risk management, team management, and using project management software.

Leadership training

Designed for current or future leaders, developing leadership skills enhances decision-making, conflict resolution, team motivation, and strategic planning.

It can also help develop a leadership style that aligns with the company’s values and goals.

Diversity training

This training promotes an inclusive workplace by helping employees understand and respect differences. It can help reduce biases, improve teamwork, and ensure compliance with anti-discrimination laws.

Remember, the most effective training programs are those that are tailored to the specific needs and goals of your organization and its employees.

Training Budget: How to Create and Allocate Training Budget for Employees (4)


A well-planned training budget is crucial for any organization aiming to invest in its employees’ development. While there can be challenges such as selecting irrelevant courses or information overload, these can be overcome with a strategic approach like conducting a training needs assessment.

By focusing on key areas, your organization can ensure it provides meaningful learning opportunities and ROI.

Ultimately, a smartly allocated training budget not only enhances individual skills but will also contribute to the overall growth and success of your organization.

Training Budget: How to Create and Allocate Training Budget for Employees (2024)


Training Budget: How to Create and Allocate Training Budget for Employees? ›

Another way to determine the cost of training employees is through this simple formula: Total yearly salary (per employee) X 1-3% = training budget. Get the total amount you spend on each employee. Then multiply that by one to three percent of their salary.

How to budget for employee training? ›

Another way to determine the cost of training employees is through this simple formula: Total yearly salary (per employee) X 1-3% = training budget. Get the total amount you spend on each employee. Then multiply that by one to three percent of their salary.

How to calculate training cost per employee? ›

Employee training cost is typically calculated with one simple formula: The total cost of training divided by the number of participants. So, what contributes to the cost of training? Your training expenditures go beyond the cost of a single training program.

How do you manage budget training? ›

With an easy to understand, hands-on approach to budgeting, this one-day training course will cover the following topics:
  1. Getting to grips with budgeting principles.
  2. Understanding the basics of costing products.
  3. Learning to forecast with greater accuracy.

How do you categorize training expenses? ›

The right expense category for employee training will vary depending on the business and the type of training being provided. However, some common expense categories for employee training include human resources, training and development, education and training, and general and administrative.

How to create a training budget in Excel? ›

  1. Step 1: Download the Excel budget template.
  2. Step 2: Enter your income in your budget template.
  3. Step 3: Enter your expenses in your budget template.
  4. Step 4: Add extra columns to your budget template.
  5. Viewing your Excel budget template.
Apr 29, 2024

Can I make my own training plan? ›

  1. Define your goals. The reason you're writing a training plan is to achieve a goal. ...
  2. Schedule an initial fitness test. They might not be a lot of fun, but it's wise to get in a fitness test before you write your training plan. ...
  3. Plan around your life. ...
  4. Train in separate phases. ...
  5. Track your progress. ...
  6. Stretch, sleep and rest.
Dec 7, 2023

How to format a training plan? ›

6 steps to outlining your employee training plan
  1. Identify knowledge & skills gaps. ...
  2. Determine training objectives. ...
  3. Choose the type of training. ...
  4. Establish how to measure effectiveness. ...
  5. Set your timeline. ...
  6. Create & choose training materials.

What does an employee training plan look like? ›

It includes the goals of the training, learning outcomes and how training will be delivered. It can be used to provide a big picture of the training needs of your whole organization or to help individual employees improve their performance and develop new skills.

What would you include in the costs of training? ›

Training costs include the actual materials created or utilized for training and time spent in each training module or conference. This is calculated into the total because every moment an employee spends in training is time away from their job.

How to calculate training spend? ›

Here's three ways to calculate your yearly training budget:
  1. Total yearly salary budget X 1-3% = Total Training Budget.
  2. Industry specific per employee average X FTEs = Total Training Budget.
  3. Predetermine training needs, estimate costs, and calculate.
Oct 18, 2018

How much of a company's budget should be used for training? ›

Of course, your training budget will vary based on your specific business training needs, but typically 2 – 2.5% of the company's budget allocated to employee training is considered standard.

What is the formula for training budget? ›

3 Ways to Calculate Your Training & Development Budget
  • 1) Total yearly salary budget X 1-3% = Total Training
  • This method ensures that the organization is strategically
  • This could also be based on what the company historically has
  • 2) Industry specific per employee average X FTEs =
Jan 1, 1970

What is a standard training budget? ›

According to the 2021 Training Industry Report, the average training budget for larger companies was $17.5 million, with midsize companies averaging $1.3 million and small companies $341,505. The budget per employee for all companies was $1,071, compared with $1,111 in 2020.

What is a typical L&D budget? ›

Many L&D teams look to other organizations for benchmark figures to guide their budget. This approach can help you build a competitive L&D program with adequate resources. The average training budget in 2023 was: $16.1 million at large companies, for an average of $481 per employee.

How much do companies spend on employee training? ›

The average per-employee spending on learning and development (L&D) worldwide increased steadily between 2008 and 2019, however fell slightly in 2020. This figure increased again in 2021, reaching almost 1,300 U.S. dollars per worker. There was then a 4.7 percent expenditure decrease in 2022.

How to set an L&D budget? ›

How to set an L&D budget
  1. Identify Training Needs: Pinpoint training priorities aligned with overarching objectives.
  2. Allocate Budget: Determine funding for various training categories.
  3. Estimate Costs: Calculate expenses for content, technology, and more.

How do you budget an employee recognition program? ›

The question many HR leaders have is how much they should spend on employee recognition. Below, you'll find a few sources on how much organizations should budget for employee recognition programs: SHRM recommends at least 1% (or more) of total payroll. Aon says 0.25%-3% of your total HR budget.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.