Laddersmith Gilligan | Dark Souls 2 Wiki (2024)

Laddersmith Gilligan

Laddersmith Gilligan | Dark Souls 2 Wiki (1)
General Info
Laddersmith Gilligan | Dark Souls 2 Wiki (2) Laddersmith Gilligan | Dark Souls 2 Wiki (3) Location Drops
?? 3,250 Earthen Peak Melu Scimitar Ladder Miniature

Laddersmith Gilligan is an NPC Merchantin Dark Souls 2.Laddersmith Gilligan can be encountered in various locations throughout the game, starting in the Earthen Peak. He is a skilled craftsman specializing in the construction and repair of ladders. Gilligan offers his services to the player, allowing them to purchase ladders of various lengths to access new areas and shortcuts. Despite his usefulness, Gilligan is a somewhat untrustworthy character, often asking for exorbitant fees for his services and displaying a selfish and mercenary attitude.

Laddersmith Gilligan Information in Dark Souls 2

  • A merchant on the run that specializes in the art of ladders and a love for profit and currency wherever possible.
  • Blacksmith Lenigrastcomments on the fact that Gilligan its a scoundrel in his hometown, having caused major stirring of troubles to the people. He calls him a scum and a conniver when it comes to money, but helpful, only when he gains something in return, that is. We are uncertain if Gilligan lived in the same town as Lenigrast or if he simply resided there to hide from more people that were chasing him.
  • Located initially at Earthen Peak. However he will move to Majula,either after exhausting his dialogue at his first encounter or by killing the boss Mytha, the Baneful Queen.
  • At both locations, he will ask your service of souls for building ladders to reach treasures.
  • At Majula he has a unique dialogue option called "Set up Ladder".
    This talk option allows you to set up three different ladders of various lengths and prices to descend into the Pit to easily reach the Grave of Saintsand The Gutter.
  • The cheapest ladder costs 500 souls, the second costs 3500 souls, and the longest one costs 12000 souls.
  • The cheapest ladder will only go half way down to the first plank, but it could be all you need if you have high health, or very low health while wearing the cat ring.
  • The second most expensive ladder will take you down to near theGrave of Saintsentrance. From there, you can drop down a few more levels to a platform just outside the bonfire at the start ofGrave of Saints.(Note: You are still going to need a lot of HP or the Silvercat Ring (or other fall damage reduction items) to reach the entrance.) A separate "drop path" will put you on a different platform at the bottom of a ladder.
  • The most expensive ladder gives you easy access to the Forgotten Door, far down in the pit. The key to the door is found in a hidden cave in theBlack Gulch.
  • Note that you cant climb up the first and second ladder again.
  • Buying the most expensive ladder will also reward you with the Melu Scimitar

Laddersmith Gilligan Encounters in Dark Souls 2

  • Earthen Peak.Found near the Central Earthen Peak bonfire. Walk upstairs and pass though the door to the balcony with the Manikin. Destroy the wooden balustrade and go left. He will offer you a ladder for 2,000 souls in order to get a treasure (Pharros' Lockstone and Twinkling Titanite).
  • Majula.Found sitting next to the Pit in Majula. You don't need to speak to him in Earthen Peak in order for him to move to Majula. He will simply travel there after you kill Mytha, the Baneful Queen. If this happens, you can still collect the above loot by dropping down (the falling height is quite short), along with a Homeward Bone or Aged Feather to safely return back.

Laddersmith Gilligan Drops in Dark Souls 2

  1. Melu Scimitar
  2. Ladder Miniature

Laddersmith Gilligan Inventory in Dark Souls 2

Icon Name Quantity Price
Reinforced Club Unlimited 2000 (1600)
Whip Unlimited 1800 (1440)
Claws Unlimited 1500 (1200 before move to Majula)
Wooden Shield Unlimited 1200 (960)
Thief Mask Unlimited 1000 (800)
Black Leather Armor Unlimited 1200 (960)
Black Leather Gloves Unlimited 1000 (800)
Black Leather Boots Unlimited 1100 (880)
Lacerating Knife Unlimited 350 (280)
Aromatic Ooze Unlimited 2000 (1600)
Bleeding Serum Unlimited 2000 (1600)
Ladder Miniature 1 7999 (6399 before Gilligan moves to Majula)

Laddersmith Gilligan Dialogue

- When first encountered
…Shush, you eejit, stay quiet!
…I'm on the run, don't give me away!
…You're a fugitive too, eh?
…Yes, why else would you be here…
…It's got death written all over it…

- When offering the ladder in Earthen Peak
…You want to climb down here?
…I can lend you a ladder…
…But em…ha…how much can you offer me?
…Why, you! I'm trying to help you, you know…
…Have you no gratitude? Downright rude, really!
…But I've…I've…I've got a soft heart so…
…I'll let you off, this once…

- Answer "yes"
…All right, it'll be just a moment…
…Ahhh…Go on ahead, I won't offer this deal twice… (after cutscene)

- Answer "no"
…Hell, of course it's not free!

- Talking to after declining services
…What? You don't have a choice, do you!
…Then, let's have it! Show me your finest…

- Revisiting after purchasing ladder in Earthen Peak
…Oh, what is it? What do you need now?

- Using talk option (Earthen Peak menu)
…Psst, have you heard?
…Well, apparently there's this monster lady, right…
…And the poison, well, does wonders for her body…
…You know, health and beauty, and that sort of stuff…
…And I thought only human women were so petty!

- Using talk option (Earthen Peak menu)
…That creature, she was human, once, you know…
…Hmm, In fact, she was wed to the Prince of that nearby castle…
…But her husband, hmm, he had feelings for another…
…The Princess was desperate, and sought eternal beauty…
…Hoping that it would restore the Prince's, ah, affection, ha you see what I mean…

- Using talk option (Earthen Peak menu)
…Before long, the Princess' ire transformed her into a monster…
…Now listen here. When do you think this all happened?
…Long ago, when this very land was called something else…
…We say Drangleic now, but…
…Countless kingdoms have risen and fallen on this very spot…
…And this won't be the last…oh no…

- Using talk option (Earthen Peak menu)
…That damned hag just can't let her old flame go…
…She's going to get us all burned…

- Using talk option (Earthen Peak menu)
…Gods almighty…
…I'm not going to die in this dump…

- Leaving after accepting further service (Earthen Peak)
…No mate, these deals, they won't last forever…

- Leaving without seeking further service (Earthen Peak)
…Fine, then, all the best…

- Leaving without closing menu (Earthen Peak)
…Oi! Downright rude, really…

- First encounter in Majula
Wait, you found your way out, too! Hah!
The name's Gilligan. Don't make me say it twice! Heh heh.
All right, what do you want?
I have everything you need! Heh heh heh…

- Revisiting in Majula
Ah! Back already? Ha.
Hey, what've you been up to!
Come to see auld Gilligan, have you? Hah! (after purchasing ladder)
All right, what'd you forget this time?

- Using talk option (Majula menu)
Ohhh, I should've listened to the warnings. This place is flippin' mental.
Huh? No, I wasn't born here. I'm from a wee bit… I'm from a wee bit out west, that's all.
I've seen some rough times. I think I'll settle down for a while.

- Using talk option (Majula menu)
You wouldn't believe the shenanigans that happen in my business.
I thought at least here in the middle of nowhere I could stay clear of, you know, my auld pals.
Oh, don't ask me what happened! Have you no discretion, me auld chum?

- Using talk option (Majula menu)
That gaping hole? Hell, search me.
It's where the people round here toss all their rubbish.
Corpses or you know what… Whatever they'd rather be rid of.
Oh, and, and those human statues. Who are they supposed to be?
Anybody, I suppose. Probably just some auld pagan custom.
What's it like at the bottom of the hole? Why in the hell would I know! Hah!

- Using talk option (Majula menu)
Oh, yes, somebody told me that the grave of a… of a saint lies below here.
Not built by the King, no no. It dates back to a time long before him.
The tomb connects to that hole.
And there's…there's…there's something about some…some Rat King down there.
Hell, if the old rat is as rich as they say, maybe I should go and pay him a visit!

- Using talk option (After long ladder purchase)
Here you are my friend, you can have these, eh! It's a little bonus, you know, for your big purchase.
Ah come on, don't look so glum! I'm trying to be nice here!
You're hopeless, I tell you…

- Requesting Majula ladder service
You want to go down that awful hole? You must have lost your marbles! Heh heh!
Fine, sure, fine, I'm happy to be of service.
You need a ladder, then, sure enough.
But you'll…you'll have to show some generosity.

- Accepting 500 souls ladder
You just don't get it, do you.
Fine, then, now it's my turn.

- Accepting 3500 souls ladder
A very reasonable offer!
Just you wait! Hm-hm!

- Accepting 12000 souls ladder
Well! Really! A very generous offer indeed, especially from you!
I get such a warm feeling inside when I get the chance to help others!

- Declining service
Well! Fine, it's not my business, anyway.

- After purchasing Majula ladder
Hey, this ladder's not for sale!
Th…the only things I sell are miniatures. I mean, if that tickles yer fancy, you can buy as many as you like!

- Re-requesting ladder service
What, you're heading down after all?
Well, that's fine, but if you want my help, you'll need to make me an offer.

- Leaving after accepting service (Majula)
Cheers for that! Hah hah!

- Leaving without accepting service (Majula)
What? Don't waste my time.

- Leaving without closing menu (Majula)
Oi! Where're you off to now!

- When attacking
Hey! That hurts!
Hey! That hurts!
You ungrateful little git! (aggroed)
You vicious little! I'll not go down that easy! (at 50% HP)

- When he kills the player
It's your own damn fault.

- Re-encounter after dying to him
Why, you…I'll tear you limb from limb!

Dark Souls 2 Laddersmith Gilligan Trivia

  • Laddersmith Gilligan speaks with a strong West of Ireland accent.
  • When killed, Laddersmith Gilligan's tombstone appears on the back corner of the Way of the Blue Shrine in Majula, closest to the sun.
  • Several users from various forums report that, if an enemy runs through the doorway (in front of the ledge where Gilligan is) and shuts the gate, he oftentimes will disappear.
  • Moves to Majula after player defeats Mytha the Baneful Queen / Dialogue has been exhausted
  • The most expensive ladder Gilligan offers has 131 rungs.
  • Makes a special cameo in Dark Souls III as a corpse that teaches the "stretch-out" gesture to the player in Profaned Capital. Incidentally, the area he is found in is full of ladders.
All NPCs in Dark Souls 2

Alsanna, Silent OracleAncient DragonAshen Knight BoydAslatiel of MirrahBell KeeperBenhart of JugoBlacksmith LenigrastBlue Sentinel TargrayBowman GuthryCale the CartographerCaptain DrummondCarhillion of the FoldChancellor WellagerCreighton the WandererCrestfallen SauldenCromwell the PardonerDarkdiver GrandahlDyna and TilloEmerald HeraldFelicia the BraveFelkin the OutcastGrave Warden AgdayneHead of VengarlJester ThomasLicia of LindeldtLone Hunter SchmidtLonesome GavlanLucatiel of MirrahMagerold of LanafirManscorpion TarkMasterless GlencourMaughlin the ArmourerMelinda the ButcherMerchant Hag MelentiaMerciless RoennaMild Mannered PateMilfanitoMilibethNameless UsurperNashandraNPC DialoguePeculiar KindalurPilgrim BellclaireRat KingRhoy the ExplorerRosabeth of MelfiaRoyal Sorcerer NavlaanScreenshotsSteady Hand McDuffStone Trader ChloanneStraid of OlaphisStrowenSweet ShalquoirTitchy GrenVendrickVorgel the SinnerWeaponsmith Ornifex

Laddersmith Gilligan | Dark Souls 2 Wiki (2024)


How many souls to give Gilligan? ›

Talk to Gilligan at his place on Earthen Peak, which will bring him to Majula. Once there, Gilligan will offer to set up his ladder down the well for a price. Pay the maximum price of 12,000 souls, and in return, Gilligan will give his equipment.

How much should I pay for the ladder in Majula? ›

Destroy the wooden balustrade and go left. He will offer you a ladder for 2,000 souls in order to get a treasure. Majula.

What happened to Laddersmith Gilligan? ›

He will relocate to Majula, next to the large hole in the ground, after exhausting his dialogue or defeating the area boss.

How to open door to laddersmith gilligan? ›

Talk to either Mary Ann or The Skipper until you exhaust all their dialogue. They'll open the gate for you.

How many soul vessels can you get in ds2? ›

There are six Soul Vessels in the game, and we'll tell you how to get them all on page two! Struggling to conquer the game? See our other Dark Souls 2 guides to help you on your way: Boss guide.

How much does the Gilligan ladder cost in Dark Souls 2? ›

The cheapest ladder costs 500 souls, the second costs 3500 souls, and the longest one costs 12000 souls. The cheapest ladder will only go half way down to the first plank, but it could be all you need if you have high health, or very low health while wearing the cat ring.

How much HP does it take to survive Majula fall? ›

With nothing but the Silvercat ring equipped, you need roughly 1000 health.

How to get all NPCs to Majula? ›

To get an NPC to travel to Majula. You must exhaust all their 'talk' dialogue. Do not kill NPC's if you are going for this achievement/trophy. Just in case this information is slightly off, killing NPC's is risking the achievement/trophy.

What does the ladder miniature do in ds2? ›

This item only serves one singular purpose. When Royal Sorcerer Navlaan in Aldia's Keep asks the player to kill Laddersmith Gilligan, he requests the Ladder Miniature as proof. Of course, Gilligan offers this very item for 6,339 souls.

How to get melu scimitar? ›

This is given by Laddersmith Gilligan after buying his most expensive ladder down Majula's deep pit, and is also dropped upon his death.

What to do with old iron king soul? ›

Use. Consume for 25,000 souls or trade with Weaponsmith Ornifex along with 5,000 souls to acquire the Iron King Hammer.

Who is the vendor in the Earthen Peak? ›

Laddersmith Gilligan

Gilligan lives near the windmill in Earthen Peak. Buy his ladder and talk to him several times to convince him to move to Majula. Buy his ladders in Majula to ease your descent into the Grave of Saints.

Where to use iron key ds2? ›

The door is found in the Forest of Fallen Giants. Remember one of the first bosses you fight the Last Giant? Just before you get to that area there is a door on the left. This is the door that the iron key unlocks.

How do you open the castle door in ds2? ›

As you arrive at the castle door, you will see two Royal Swordsman, after killing these, they will continue to spawn around the left side of the castle. You must kill them close enough to the stone guardians either side of the door, they will absorb the souls and open the door for you.

How many souls do I need to open the shrine of winter? ›

powerful souls, the player may enter either by defeating acquiring the Great Souls (obtained by defeating The Four Old Ones) or accumulating one million total souls throughout their travels.

What does the ladder miniature do? ›

Ladder Miniature is an item in Dark Souls II. A quaint little thing, but only for show. This ornament does not seem to have any particular function, and should not be worth much, but is sold at an exorbitant price.

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