Royal Sorcerer Navlaan | Dark Souls 2 Wiki (2024)

Royal Sorcerer Navlaan | Dark Souls 2 Wiki (1)
General Info
Royal Sorcerer Navlaan | Dark Souls 2 Wiki (2) Royal Sorcerer Navlaan | Dark Souls 2 Wiki (3) Location Drops
? 2,200 Aldia's Keep Chaos Hood

Royal Sorcerer Navlaan is an NPC in Dark Souls 2.Royal Sorcerer Navlaancan be encountered in Aldia's Keep. He is a powerful sorcerer with a dark and malevolent nature, known for his deadly and treacherous ways. Navlaan is initially encountered as a locked and sealed door, with the player having the option to release him or leave him imprisoned. If released, Navlaan will task the player with completing a series of assassination missions, targeting specific NPCs throughout the game. However, it is later revealed that Navlaan is actually a malevolent spirit inhabiting the bodies of different individuals, using them to carry out his sinister plots.

Royal Sorcerer Navlaan Information in Dark Souls 2

  • Navlaan has a split personality depending on if you are hollow when you visit him.
  • Talking to him while Human reveals different dialogue, and the potential to buy items from him. It's only possible to buy items from him after releasing him from the fog gate or after completing his quest chain. (see below)
  • If you visit while hollow you talk to an assassin that requests your help to kill others(NPCs) while he is trapped. He will require an item from each npc to complete the "assassination", but will not remove the item from your inventory. (must be imprisoned behind the fog gate in order to activate this dialogue)
  • You do not have to kill the NPC to receive the item, all can either be bought or attained by other means
  • Royal Sorcerer Navlaan can be released by going to other side of the Keep and pulling the lever. This will cause Royal Sorcerer Navlaan to invade multiple times.)
    • Using a Bonfire Ascetic will not reverse the fog or his freed state, nor will it revive him (he can easily be killed by enemies following you.
    • Releasing him will cause you to lose the chance of getting one sorcery and one pyromancy that are only obtainable by completing his assassination quest line, which is only available if you talk to him while hollow and he is imprisoned.
    • Be wary of Navlaan once he is released. He tends to spawn in a most annoying fashion, often spawning near powerful enemies. His attacks can also do decent damage to one caught off guard.
  • Once you have completed his quest line, he will sell you items only when you're hollowed, and if you talk to him he will give you theChaos Set.
  • You can choose to complete his quest line for the rewards, then release him to enjoy him as a vendor while in human form. But he will still invade you.
  • Releasing him will cause him to invade the player at various areas.
  • Killing Navlaan just after you have released him will not add to your level of sin.
  • Killing Navlaan after releasing him prevents him from invading ** (?)

Royal Sorcerer Navlaan Quests and Rewards in Dark Souls 2

Note: All requested items can be either aquired by killing the target; they can all be aquired in other ways as well.

  • Gives the Player a Dispelling Ringfor showing him Ladder Miniatureafter accepting to kill Laddersmith Gilligan. TheLadder Miniaturecan alternatively be aquired by simply buying it from Laddersmith Gilligan.
  • Gives the Player a Simpleton's Spicefor showing him Cale's Helm after accepting to killCale the Cartographer. Cale alternatively gives you the helm after lighting up all8 fire on the map in the Mansion inMajula.
  • Gives the Player the Forbidden Sun Pyromancy for showing him a Sunset Staff after accepting to kill Felkin the Outcast(Note: needs to have the staff equipped to get the Pyromancy). Felkin the Outcastalternatively gives you the staff if both of your INT and FTH are 20 or higher. In the original version of the game, the Staff can also be optained from the Mimic near the Foregarden Bonfire inAldia's Keep.
  • Gives the Player the Unleash Magic Sorcery for showing him the Aged Feather after accepting to kill Emerald Herald. She alternatively gives you the Feather once you talk to her inDragon Aerie.

Royal Sorcerer Navlaan Encounters in Dark Souls 2

  • Aldia's Keep.He can be found on the ground floor, under the giant staircase to the right.
  • Aldia's Keep.Before the last Ogre. (Invades when released)
  • Forest of Fallen Giants.The Place Unbeknownst, only after obtaining Giant's Kinship.(Invades when released)
  • The Gutter.From the first bonfire, go forward, fall into the hole, and jump to the platform with the torch hollow.(Invades when released)
  • Brightstone Cove Tseldora.In the area with the crystal spikes on the ground.(Invades when released)
  • Drangleic Castle.In the room with the cursed painting of the Queen.(Invades when released)
  • Dragon Aerie.When walking on the bridge after the third Guardian Dragon.(Invades when released)

Royal Sorcerer Navlaan Drops in Dark Souls 2

  1. Chaos Hood

Royal Sorcerer Navlaan Inventory in Dark Souls 2

Name Requirements Quantity Souls
Moon Hat unlimited 3600
Astrologist's Robe unlimited 6000
Astrologist's Gauntlets unlimited 4200
Astrologist's Bottoms unlimited 4800
Black Witch Robe unlimited 7700
Black Witch Gloves unlimited 5600
Black Witch Trousers unlimited 6500
Black Witch Hat unlimited 7200
Thunder Quartz Ring+2 1 8400
Lighting Greatarrow unlimited 180
Fire Greatarrow unlimited 180
Destructive Greatarrow unlimited 180
Dragon Charm 5 3600
Bonfire Ascetic 10 7500
Great Magic Weapon unlimited 6000
Strong Magic Shield unlimited 6300

Royal Sorcerer Navlaan Dialogue

- First Encounter (while human)
1. P-please, just stay away.
No, please, don't come near me. Nothing good will come of it.

2. Just leave me alone, please.
Leave this place, and leave me be, as I'd not see any harm befall you.

3. Please, just leave me alone.

- Re-encounter (while human)
I haven't said anything strange, have I?
I have absolutely no intention of leaving here.
Do not attempt to help me. Just let me sit here, and wither quietly away…

- First Encounter (while hollow)
1. Well, you're nicely hollowed, aren't you…
Are you tormented by memories? Burdened by guilt?
Now the question. Are you ready for more? If you are, then we ought to talk…

2. This? This contains my power.
Long ago…This…naive vessel of mine set about devising new spells.
The fool dreamt of bringing new forms of magic into the world.
But instead, he created me. Mostly by chance, but he did a fine job, I must say.
What he sought was strength. And so, I decided to demonstrate.
While my vessel slept, I'd find my mark, and hunt him down.
But my vessel did not approve. And so while I slept, he sealed the both of us away.

3. Now, I don't have anything against humans, but how is it that you go about defining good and evil?
I'm only using what the Gods gave me. How can that be so wrong?
So, what say you to a spot of murder on my behalf?
If you don't, I'll leave this place, and take more lives. Many more.
I couldn't give a fig either way. So, what's your choice?

- Answering YES to a quest
see quest dialog below

- Answering NO to a quest
Yes, yes, of course. Forget that I asked.
That's what "good people" do, am I right?
Your feeble mind can't begin to comprehend me. Not that you've ever tried! Heh heh…

- Answering NO to fourth quest
Having second thoughts?
It's your choice.
Ah hah hah, now you're getting nervous, hmm?

- First Quest
1. Yes, I see, how very kind of you.
I want you to kill a merchant named Gilligan. A greedy, foul man. He won't be missed, I assure you.
Hmm…Yes… Bring me a Ladder Miniature as proof.
He's the only person who'd have such an odd knick-knack…Heh heh…

2. I want you to kill a merchant named Gilligan.
And don't forget that Ladder Miniature. Heh heh…

3. Heh heh heh…Fine work.
This is my thanks. Take it.
Now, let's discuss our next mark.

- Second Quest
1. I want you to kill one more.
Your target will be Cale, the man who's drafting that map.
While I was trapped in here, he touched me, that maniac, like I was some rare specimen.
He wore a strange helm. Bring it back as proof.

2. Yes, I knew I could count on you.
Perhaps this will slake my thirst.

3. I want you to kill Cale, the cartographer.
Bring his helm as proof.

4. Heh heh heh…Fine work.
This is my thanks. Take it.
Now, let's discuss our next mark.

- Third Quest
1. I want you to kill one more.
You target is Felkin, the hexer.
As proof, bring me that peculiar sceptre of his.
What do you say?

2. Yes, very good.
But he will be formidable. Be cautious.

3. I want you to kill Felkin. That's Felkin, the hexer.
He has that sceptre. Bring it to me as proof.

4. Heh heh heh…Fine work.
This is my thanks. Take it.
Now, let's discuss something of importance.

- Fourth Quest
1. You could kill a dozen like that, and it wouldn't matter. I want you to kill someone of import.
I want you to kill the girl in Majula known as the Muse.
They say that she is the last Fire Keeper. But they say a lot of things…
That she's a gentle shepherd, lighting the way for you cursed fools. Nonsense.
Once she is dead, I will have no regrets, and I will be content to remain here.
The girl will have a peculiar feather. Bring it to me.
Now, go along. Heh heh…

2. Your mark is the girl in Majula known as the muse.
And don't forget that feather. Heh heh heh…

3. Yes, that's the feather.
Good, oh that is very good!
Your reward, take it. Heh heh heh…

- After quests have been completed
What do you require?
You've been good to me. Go on, tell me what you need.

- When gifting the Chaos Set
These are for you.
Don't mind the specks of blood…Heh heh heh…

- Using Talk option
Now I am at peace.
I will sit here, and watch the world turn. Heh heh…

- Leaving after buying items
Find what you wanted? Hah hah hah hah…

- Leaving without buying anything
Well, as you wish. Heh heh…

- Leaving without exiting menu
Oh, no?

- After pulling lever (while human)
By the very gods…What have you done…
You've really done it…You'll never escape him…

- After pulling lever (while hollow)
1. Hmgh…
I hope you appreciate the ramifications.
Well, no matter. What's done is done.
Besides, I've found myself a new mark…Gah hah hah…

2. I'll spend some time travelling the lands…
Slowly tracking my new mark…

- When attacked (while human)
Please, stop that!
What are you doing?!
You are most intriguing. Heh heh… (aggroed)
Heh heh heh heh heh… (50% HP, no caption)

- When attacked (while hollow)
Yes, I see.
You are most intriguing. Heh heh… (aggroed)
Heh heh heh heh heh… (50% HP, no caption)

- When killing the player
Hmm, ooh…Hah hah hah hah! Not bad at all.

- When killed
Death…aargh…could be worse…

Dark Souls 2 Royal Sorcerer Navlaan Trivia

  • He is the one who invented the Scraps of Life hex.
All NPCs in Dark Souls 2

Alsanna, Silent OracleAncient DragonAshen Knight BoydAslatiel of MirrahBell KeeperBenhart of JugoBlacksmith LenigrastBlue Sentinel TargrayBowman GuthryCale the CartographerCaptain DrummondCarhillion of the FoldChancellor WellagerCreighton the WandererCrestfallen SauldenCromwell the PardonerDarkdiver GrandahlDyna and TilloEmerald HeraldFelicia the BraveFelkin the OutcastGrave Warden AgdayneHead of VengarlJester ThomasLaddersmith GilliganLicia of LindeldtLone Hunter SchmidtLonesome GavlanLucatiel of MirrahMagerold of LanafirManscorpion TarkMasterless GlencourMaughlin the ArmourerMelinda the ButcherMerchant Hag MelentiaMerciless RoennaMild Mannered PateMilfanitoMilibethNameless UsurperNashandraNPC DialoguePeculiar KindalurPilgrim BellclaireRat KingRhoy the ExplorerRosabeth of MelfiaScreenshotsSteady Hand McDuffStone Trader ChloanneStraid of OlaphisStrowenSweet ShalquoirTitchy GrenVendrickVorgel the SinnerWeaponsmith Ornifex

Royal Sorcerer Navlaan | Dark Souls 2 Wiki (2024)


What happens if you release Navlaan? ›

Navlaan is initially encountered as a locked and sealed door, with the player having the option to release him or leave him imprisoned. If released, Navlaan will task the player with completing a series of assassination missions, targeting specific NPCs throughout the game.

Who is the guy in Aldia's keep? ›

Navlaan can be found on the first floor of within Aldia's mansion at Aldia's Keep. He is found behind the staircase after taking a right.

What to do with Navlaan? ›

Navlaan has a magical spirit living inside him, giving him two distinct personalities. If you speak to Navlaan as a human, he will ask you to leave him alone. Return as a Hollow and you will speak with the spirit, who will ask if you want to help him assassinate people.

What does pulling the lever in Aldias keep doing? ›

At the end of a hallway is a lever; pulling this lever will free Navlaan, canceling out a side quest and loot. This also allows him to invade you dark spirit in multiple areas from now on. If you do pull the lever, go back and down the opposite hallway where you meet the now free Royal Sorcerer Navlaan.

How many endings does ds2 have? ›

In Dark Souls II, there are two endings from which the player may chose: Proceed to Throne or Leave Throne. The Proceed to Throne ending was the default ending until Scholar of The First Sin version was released, and was the default in the original Dark Souls II before the "Scholar of the First Sin" update.

Does Aldia drop anything? ›

Aldia drops nothing upon defeat, not even souls. The only reward from defeating him is that the player has the option to leave the throne, giving the player an alternate ending.

Is Aldia the true final boss? ›

If the right requirements are met, he appears after defeating Nashandra to serve as the game's true final boss.

What is Aldia's weakness? ›

Weakness. Aldia doesn't exactly have a weakness per se, but it does take more damage against Magic and Lightning. Aldia has substantial resistance to Dark and Fire. While Aldia is certainly tough, it is not the hardest boss in the game, especially when compared to the bosses in the Lost Crowns installments.

Is Aldia vendrick brother? ›

Lord Aldia is King Vendrick's elder brother. He aided his brother in founding the kingdom of Drangleic, but he then secluded himself in his manor, searching for the secrets of life, viewing the Undead as the key to finding it.

Can you stop hollowing ds2? ›

Reverse Hollowing can be made instantly using a Human Effigy from the inventory. Alternatively, seeking Vendrick's blessing and wearing one of the four crowns will completely negate the effect of Hollowing, even upon death.

Where does Navlaan invade? ›

Drangleic CastleInvades just before where you first meet the Queen.
Forest of Fallen GiantsInvades near the Place Unbeknownst bonfire, after completing the Memory of Jeigh
Brightstone Cove TseldoraInvades at the bottom of Tseldora, on the bridge over spikes.
4 more rows
Jan 26, 2024

What does sin do in ds2? ›

Sin is the overall representation of evil deeds committed by the player. Sin affects how often the player is invaded by Arbiter Spirits.

Who is the boss in Aldia's keep? ›

The Guardian Dragon is a boss found at the end of Aldias Keep. He is a large red dragon that will use various melee attack, along with potent fire breath.

How to get Cales Helm without killing him? ›

Should this happen to you, the only way to get the achivement is to start a new game (or go through new game+), lighting all the flames on the map and without killing Cale. After lighting all eight fires on his map, speak with him several times, and eventually he will give the Cale's Set of armor as a gift.

What does Vendrick's blessing do? ›

If the player has obtained the King's Crown along with the rest of the ancient crowns (Crown of the Sunken King, Old Iron King and Ivory King) and bring them to Vendrick in this place, he will grant them his blessing, which infuses them all with a hidden ability that prevents the player from becoming hollow by any ...

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